T.L. Husum; I. Wormdahl; S.H.H. Kjus; T. Hatling; J. Rugkåsa |
2024 |
Something Happened with the Way We Work: Evaluating the Implementation of the Reducing Coercion in Norway (ReCoN) Intervention in Primary Mental Health Care |
A.M.Rustad Indregard; H.Martin Nussle; M. Hagan; P.Olav Vandvik; M. Teli; J. Gather; N. Kunøe |
2024 |
Open-door policy versus treatment-as-usual in urban psychiatric inpatient wards: a pragmatic, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial in Norway |
V. Gupta; C. Eames; A. Bryant; B. Greenhill; L. Golding; J. Day; P. Fisher |
2024 |
Identifying the priorities for supervision by lived experience researchers: a Q sort study |
N.Øye Thorvaldsen |
2023 |
Uten tvangshjemmel kan liv og helse settes i fare |
J. Skumsnes |
2023 |
Samtykke som grunnlag for behandling i psykisk helsevern. I lys av samfunnsdebatten etter lovendringen i 2017 |
S. Stylianidis; E. Geogarca; E.Lily Peppou; A. Arvaniti; M. Samakouri; M.A.N.E. group |
2023 |
Involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations in Greece: Contemporary research and policy implications |
J. Skumsnes |
2023 |
Samtykke som grunnlag for behandling i psykisk helsevern. I lys av samfunnsdebatten etter lovendringen i 2017 |
S. Hirsch; J. Baumgardt; A. Bechdolf; F. Buhling-Schindowski; C. Cole; E. Flammer; L. Mahler; R. Muche; D. Sauter; A. Vandamme; T. Steinert |
2023 |
Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study |
G. Smeslund; V. Underland; R. Berg |
2023 |
Forskning om betydningen av universell utforming i fysisk miljø for personer med psykisk eller kognitiv funksjonsnedsettelse: systematisk litteratursøk med sortering |
E.Søndergaa Olesen; T. Bliksvær; L.Louise Videt; M. Storvik; L.Augusta Ulfseth; W. Lichtwarck |
2023 |
S. Hirsch; J. Baumgardt; A. Bechdolf; F. Buhling-Schindowski; C. Cole; E. Flammer; L. Mahler; R. Muche; D. Sauter; A. Vandamme; T. Steinert |
2023 |
Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study |
P.Sofia Jaco Jardim; H.Melanie R. Ames; C.Hillestad Hestevik; I. Kirkehei |
2023 |
Tvang i psykisk helsevern og vold: systematisk litteratursøk med sortering |
N.C. Wergeland; Å. Fause; A.Karine Weber; A.Beatrix Os Fause; H. Riley |
2023 |
Capacity-based legislation in Norway has so far scarcely infuenced the daily life and responsibilities of patients’ carers: a qualitative study |
T. Lantta; J. Duxbury; A.Haines Delmot; A. Bjørkdahl |
2023 |
Models, frameworks and theories in the implementation of programs targeted to reduce formal coercion in mental health settings: a systematic review |
T. Steinert |
2023 |
Using coercion in mental disorders or risking the patient’s death? An analysis of the protocols of a clinical ethics committee and a derived decision algorithm |
O. Nyttingnes; J.Šaltytė Benth; T. Hofstad; J. Rugkåsa |
2023 |
The relationship between area levels of involuntary psychiatric care and patient outcomes: a longitudinal national register study from Norway |
T.L. Husum; J. Siqveland; |
2023 |
Systematic literature review of the use of Staff Attitudes to Coercion Scale (SACS) |
H. Riley; M. Storvik; T. Hansen |
2023 |
Tvangshjemler kan føre til mer tvang |
J. Lickiewicz; K. Piotrowicz; M. Makara-Studzińska; C. R.Martin; V.R. Preedy; V.B. Patel |
2022 |
Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence |
T.L. Jansen; L.Johan Danbolt; I. Hanssen; M.H. Hem |
2022 |
How may cultural and political ideals cause moral distress in acute psychiatry? A qualitative study |
E.W. Haugom; B. Stensrud; G. Beston; T. Ruud; A.S. Landheim |
2022 |
Experiences of shared decision making among patients with psychotic disorders in Norway: a qualitative study |
I. Wormdahl; T. Hatling; T.L. Husum; S. Kjus; J. Rugkåsa; D. Brodersen; S.Dahl Christensen; P.Sundt Nyborg; T.Borch Skolseng; E.Irene Ødegård; A.Margrethe Andersen; E. Gundersen; M.B. Rise |
2022 |
The ReCoN intervention: a co-created comprehensive intervention for primary mental health care aiming to prevent involuntary admissions |
Å. Gjellestad |
2022 |
Care practices at the intersection between resistance and involuntary treatment and care.A mixed-methods study of how health care professionals approach resistance to care and involuntary treatment among home-dwelling persons with dementia |
J. Varpula; ; J. Pulkkinen; T. Lantta |
2022 |
Patient Falls in Seclusion Rooms in Psychiatric Inpatient Care: A Sociotechnical Probabilistic Risk Modeling Study |
D. Stewart; K. Ryan; M.A. Naegle; S. Flogen; F. Hughes; J. Buchan |
2022 |
The Global Mental Health nursing workforce: Time to prioritize and invest in mental health and wellbeing |
T. Hofstad |
2022 |
Geographical variation in compulsory hospitalisation in Norway 2014-2018 |
T. Hofstad; T.L. Husum; J. Rugkåsa; B.Morten Hofmann |
2022 |
Geographical variation in compulsory hospitalisation – ethical challenges |
G. Høyer; O. Nyttingnes; J. Rugkåsa; E. Sharashova; T.Breines Simonsen; A. Høye; H. Riley |
2022 |
Impact of introducing capacity-based mental health legislation on the use of community treatment orders in Norway: case registry study |
M. Løvsletten |
2022 |
Management of patients with outpatient commitment in the mental health services |
I. Wormdahl |
2022 |
Pathways towards involuntary admissions. How do they unfold in primary mental health care settings, and what can be done to prevent them? |
N.C. Wergeland; Å. Fause; A.Karine Weber; A.Beatrix Os Fause; H. Riley |
2022 |
Increased autonomy with capacity‑based mental health legislation in Norway: a qualitative study of patient experiences of having come off a community treatment order |
K. Hustoft |
2022 |
Voluntary and involuntary hospitalizations in acute psychiatric wards in Norway |
N. Kunøe; H.Martin Nussle; A.M. Indregard |
2022 |
Protocol for the Lovisenberg Open Acute Door Study (LOADS): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial to compare safety and coercion between open-door policy and usual-care services in acute psychiatric inpatients |
V. Fjeld |
2022 |
A comparison of Norway and Denmark’s legislations regarding the use of restraints in psychiatric institutions in light of the Human Rights Convention article 3. |
E. Engerbakk |
2021 |
Samtykkekompetanse i tvungent psykisk helsevern - Har innføringen av kravet til samtykkekompetanse i phvl. § 3-3 virket etter sitt formål? |
G. Miranda; M.Gabrielle Lind |
2021 |
Omsorg under bruk av mekanisk tvang innen psykisk helsevern |
P.S.J. Jardim; T.C. Borge; K.T. Dahm; A.E. Müller; G. Hval |
2021 |
Effekt av antipsykotika ved behandling uten pasientens samtykke sammenlignet med frivillig behandling |
J.Lossius Husum; C. Jakobsen |
2021 |
En kvantitativ undersøkelse om forskjeller i holdninger til tvang mellom profesjonsgrupper i psykisk helsevern |
Å. Sørflaten |
2021 |
Rettslig grunnlag for bruk av tvang i etableringsfasen for tvungent psykisk helsevern |
O.Trygve Polden |
2021 |
Hvordan skape en terapeutisk allianse til en pasient i psykose innlagt på tvang i akuttpsykiatrien? |
O.Martine Leirvik |
2021 |
En undersøkelse av hvordan psykiatriske pasienter ønsker å bli ivaretatt gjennom bruk av mekaniske tvangsmidler i psykisk helsevern En litteraturstudie basert på pasienters egne erfaringer, hentet fra nyere forskning |
T. Hofstad; J. Rugkåsa; S.O. Ose; O. Nyttingnes; T.L. Husum |
2021 |
Measuring the level of compulsory hospitalisation in mental health care: The performance of different measures across areas and over time |
O. Nyttingnes; J. Rugkåsa |
2021 |
The Introduction of Medication-Free Mental Health Services in Norway: An Analysis of the Framing and Impact of Arguments From Different Standpoints |
S. Rørtveit |
2021 |
Nødrett i psykisk helsevern |
J. Dahlberg; S. Øverstad; V. Dahl; A. Coman |
2021 |
Autonomy and consent assessment for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). A retrospective study of medical records |
R. Hernes |
2021 |
En kvalitativ studie av helsepersonells erfaringer i fra arbeid i norsk sikkerhetspsykiatri |
U.E. Hammervold; R. Norvoll; H. Sagvaag |
2021 |
Post-incident reviews after restraints—Potential and pitfalls. Patients’ experiences and considerations |
I.Storm Røsaasen |
2021 |
Betydning av tvang i behandling av pasienter med anorexia nervosa |
V.Kristine V. Dahl |
2021 |
Finnes det et rettslig grunnlag for ECT-behandling under tvang? |
A. Lauveng; A. Skuterud |
2021 |
Bruk av tvang innen psykisk helsevern – erfaringer fra pasienter, pårørende og ansatte |