Authors Year of Publication Tittel
T.L. Husum; I. Wormdahl; S.H.H. Kjus; T. Hatling; J. Rugkåsa 2024 Something Happened with the Way We Work: Evaluating the Implementation of the Reducing Coercion in Norway (ReCoN) Intervention in Primary Mental Health Care
A.M.Rustad Indregard; H.Martin Nussle; M. Hagan; P.Olav Vandvik; M. Teli; J. Gather; N. Kunøe 2024 Open-door policy versus treatment-as-usual in urban psychiatric inpatient wards: a pragmatic, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial in Norway
V. Gupta; C. Eames; A. Bryant; B. Greenhill; L. Golding; J. Day; P. Fisher 2024 Identifying the priorities for supervision by lived experience researchers: a Q sort study
J. Skumsnes 2023 Samtykke som grunnlag for behandling i psykisk helsevern. I lys av samfunnsdebatten etter lovendringen i 2017
S. Hirsch; J. Baumgardt; A. Bechdolf; F. Buhling-Schindowski; C. Cole; E. Flammer; L. Mahler; R. Muche; D. Sauter; A. Vandamme; T. Steinert 2023 Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study
G. Smeslund; V. Underland; R. Berg 2023 Forskning om betydningen av universell utforming i fysisk miljø for personer med psykisk eller kognitiv funksjonsnedsettelse: systematisk litteratursøk med sortering
E.Søndergaa Olesen; T. Bliksvær; L.Louise Videt; M. Storvik; L.Augusta Ulfseth; W. Lichtwarck 2023 GRENSESETTING OG BRUK AV TVANG OVERFOR BARN I FOSTERHJEM
S. Hirsch; J. Baumgardt; A. Bechdolf; F. Buhling-Schindowski; C. Cole; E. Flammer; L. Mahler; R. Muche; D. Sauter; A. Vandamme; T. Steinert 2023 Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study
P.Sofia Jaco Jardim; H.Melanie R. Ames; C.Hillestad Hestevik; I. Kirkehei 2023 Tvang i psykisk helsevern og vold: systematisk litteratursøk med sortering
N.C. Wergeland; Å. Fause; A.Karine Weber; A.Beatrix Os Fause; H. Riley 2023 Capacity-based legislation in Norway has so far scarcely infuenced the daily life and responsibilities of patients’ carers: a qualitative study
T. Lantta; J. Duxbury; A.Haines Delmot; A. Bjørkdahl 2023 Models, frameworks and theories in the implementation of programs targeted to reduce formal coercion in mental health settings: a systematic review
T. Steinert 2023 Using coercion in mental disorders or risking the patient’s death? An analysis of the protocols of a clinical ethics committee and a derived decision algorithm
O. Nyttingnes; J.Šaltytė Benth; T. Hofstad; J. Rugkåsa 2023 The relationship between area levels of involuntary psychiatric care and patient outcomes: a longitudinal national register study from Norway
T.L. Husum; J. Siqveland; 2023 Systematic literature review of the use of Staff Attitudes to Coercion Scale (SACS)
H. Riley; M. Storvik; T. Hansen 2023 Tvangshjemler kan føre til mer tvang
N.Øye Thorvaldsen 2023 Uten tvangshjemmel kan liv og helse settes i fare
J. Skumsnes 2023 Samtykke som grunnlag for behandling i psykisk helsevern. I lys av samfunnsdebatten etter lovendringen i 2017
S. Stylianidis; E. Geogarca; E.Lily Peppou; A. Arvaniti; M. Samakouri; M.A.N.E. group 2023 Involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations in Greece: Contemporary research and policy implications
E.W. Haugom; B. Stensrud; G. Beston; T. Ruud; A.S. Landheim 2022 Experiences of shared decision making among patients with psychotic disorders in Norway: a qualitative study
I. Wormdahl; T. Hatling; T.L. Husum; S. Kjus; J. Rugkåsa; D. Brodersen; S.Dahl Christensen; P.Sundt Nyborg; T.Borch Skolseng; E.Irene Ødegård; A.Margrethe Andersen; E. Gundersen; M.B. Rise 2022 The ReCoN intervention: a co-created comprehensive intervention for primary mental health care aiming to prevent involuntary admissions
Å. Gjellestad 2022 Care practices at the intersection between resistance and involuntary treatment and care.A mixed-methods study of how health care professionals approach resistance to care and involuntary treatment among home-dwelling persons with dementia
J. Varpula; ; J. Pulkkinen; T. Lantta 2022 Patient Falls in Seclusion Rooms in Psychiatric Inpatient Care: A Sociotechnical Probabilistic Risk Modeling Study
D. Stewart; K. Ryan; M.A. Naegle; S. Flogen; F. Hughes; J. Buchan 2022 The Global Mental Health nursing workforce: Time to prioritize and invest in mental health and wellbeing
T. Hofstad 2022 Geographical variation in compulsory hospitalisation in Norway 2014-2018
T. Hofstad; T.L. Husum; J. Rugkåsa; B.Morten Hofmann 2022 Geographical variation in compulsory hospitalisation – ethical challenges
G. Høyer; O. Nyttingnes; J. Rugkåsa; E. Sharashova; T.Breines Simonsen; A. Høye; H. Riley 2022 Impact of introducing capacity-based mental health legislation on the use of community treatment orders in Norway: case registry study
M. Løvsletten 2022 Management of patients with outpatient commitment in the mental health services
I. Wormdahl 2022 Pathways towards involuntary admissions. How do they unfold in primary mental health care settings, and what can be done to prevent them?
N.C. Wergeland; Å. Fause; A.Karine Weber; A.Beatrix Os Fause; H. Riley 2022 Increased autonomy with capacity‑based mental health legislation in Norway: a qualitative study of patient experiences of having come off a community treatment order
K. Hustoft 2022 Voluntary and involuntary hospitalizations in acute psychiatric wards in Norway
N. Kunøe; H.Martin Nussle; A.M. Indregard 2022 Protocol for the Lovisenberg Open Acute Door Study (LOADS): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial to compare safety and coercion between open-door policy and usual-care services in acute psychiatric inpatients
V. Fjeld 2022 A comparison of Norway and Denmark’s legislations regarding the use of restraints in psychiatric institutions in light of the Human Rights Convention article 3.
J. Lickiewicz; K. Piotrowicz; M. Makara-Studzińska; C. R.Martin; V.R. Preedy; V.B. Patel 2022 Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence
T.L. Jansen; L.Johan Danbolt; I. Hanssen; M.H. Hem 2022 How may cultural and political ideals cause moral distress in acute psychiatry? A qualitative study
J.Lossius Husum; C. Jakobsen 2021 En kvantitativ undersøkelse om forskjeller i holdninger til tvang mellom profesjonsgrupper i psykisk helsevern
Å. Sørflaten 2021 Rettslig grunnlag for bruk av tvang i etableringsfasen for tvungent psykisk helsevern
O.Trygve Polden 2021 Hvordan skape en terapeutisk allianse til en pasient i psykose innlagt på tvang i akuttpsykiatrien?
O.Martine Leirvik 2021 En undersøkelse av hvordan psykiatriske pasienter ønsker å bli ivaretatt gjennom bruk av mekaniske tvangsmidler i psykisk helsevern En litteraturstudie basert på pasienters egne erfaringer, hentet fra nyere forskning
T. Hofstad; J. Rugkåsa; S.O. Ose; O. Nyttingnes; T.L. Husum 2021 Measuring the level of compulsory hospitalisation in mental health care: The performance of different measures across areas and over time
O. Nyttingnes; J. Rugkåsa 2021 The Introduction of Medication-Free Mental Health Services in Norway: An Analysis of the Framing and Impact of Arguments From Different Standpoints
S. Rørtveit 2021 Nødrett i psykisk helsevern
J. Dahlberg; S. Øverstad; V. Dahl; A. Coman 2021 Autonomy and consent assessment for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). A retrospective study of medical records
R. Hernes 2021 En kvalitativ studie av helsepersonells erfaringer i fra arbeid i norsk sikkerhetspsykiatri
U.E. Hammervold; R. Norvoll; H. Sagvaag 2021 Post-incident reviews after restraints—Potential and pitfalls. Patients’ experiences and considerations
I.Storm Røsaasen 2021 Betydning av tvang i behandling av pasienter med anorexia nervosa
V.Kristine V. Dahl 2021 Finnes det et rettslig grunnlag for ECT-behandling under tvang?
A. Lauveng; A. Skuterud 2021 Bruk av tvang innen psykisk helsevern – erfaringer fra pasienter, pårørende og ansatte
V. Fjeld 2021 Begrunnelsesplikt ved tvangsmedisinering som rettssikkerhetsgaranti - Har lovendringene i rettshjelploven og psykisk helsevernloven bedret rettssikkerheten?
K. Leistad 2021 Rettslig grunnlag for frihetsberøvelse ved «ikke-etableringer» i psykisk helsevern
T. Ruud; E.Woldsengen Haugom; H.Alan Pincus; T. Hynnekleiv 2021 Measuring Seclusion in Psychiatric Intensive Care: Development and Measurement Properties of the Clinical Seclusion Checklist