Authors Year of Publication Tittel
T.L. Husum; I. Wormdahl; S.H.H. Kjus; T. Hatling; J. Rugkåsa 2024 Something Happened with the Way We Work: Evaluating the Implementation of the Reducing Coercion in Norway (ReCoN) Intervention in Primary Mental Health Care
A.M.Rustad Indregard; H.Martin Nussle; M. Hagan; P.Olav Vandvik; M. Teli; J. Gather; N. Kunøe 2024 Open-door policy versus treatment-as-usual in urban psychiatric inpatient wards: a pragmatic, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial in Norway
V. Gupta; C. Eames; A. Bryant; B. Greenhill; L. Golding; J. Day; P. Fisher 2024 Identifying the priorities for supervision by lived experience researchers: a Q sort study
N.C. Wergeland; Å. Fause; A.Karine Weber; A.Beatrix Os Fause; H. Riley 2023 Capacity-based legislation in Norway has so far scarcely infuenced the daily life and responsibilities of patients’ carers: a qualitative study
O. Nyttingnes; J.Šaltytė Benth; T. Hofstad; J. Rugkåsa 2023 The relationship between area levels of involuntary psychiatric care and patient outcomes: a longitudinal national register study from Norway
T.L. Husum; J. Siqveland; 2023 Systematic literature review of the use of Staff Attitudes to Coercion Scale (SACS)
T. Steinert 2023 Using coercion in mental disorders or risking the patient’s death? An analysis of the protocols of a clinical ethics committee and a derived decision algorithm
S. Stylianidis; E. Geogarca; E.Lily Peppou; A. Arvaniti; M. Samakouri; M.A.N.E. group 2023 Involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations in Greece: Contemporary research and policy implications
S. Hirsch; J. Baumgardt; A. Bechdolf; F. Buhling-Schindowski; C. Cole; E. Flammer; L. Mahler; R. Muche; D. Sauter; A. Vandamme; T. Steinert 2023 Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study
S. Hirsch; J. Baumgardt; A. Bechdolf; F. Buhling-Schindowski; C. Cole; E. Flammer; L. Mahler; R. Muche; D. Sauter; A. Vandamme; T. Steinert 2023 Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study
G. Høyer; O. Nyttingnes; J. Rugkåsa; E. Sharashova; T.Breines Simonsen; A. Høye; H. Riley 2022 Impact of introducing capacity-based mental health legislation on the use of community treatment orders in Norway: case registry study
N.C. Wergeland; Å. Fause; A.Karine Weber; A.Beatrix Os Fause; H. Riley 2022 Increased autonomy with capacity‑based mental health legislation in Norway: a qualitative study of patient experiences of having come off a community treatment order
T. Hofstad; T.L. Husum; J. Rugkåsa; B.Morten Hofmann 2022 Geographical variation in compulsory hospitalisation – ethical challenges
I. Wormdahl; T. Hatling; T.L. Husum; S. Kjus; J. Rugkåsa; D. Brodersen; S.Dahl Christensen; P.Sundt Nyborg; T.Borch Skolseng; E.Irene Ødegård; A.Margrethe Andersen; E. Gundersen; M.B. Rise 2022 The ReCoN intervention: a co-created comprehensive intervention for primary mental health care aiming to prevent involuntary admissions
E.W. Haugom; B. Stensrud; G. Beston; T. Ruud; A.S. Landheim 2022 Experiences of shared decision making among patients with psychotic disorders in Norway: a qualitative study
T.L. Jansen; L.Johan Danbolt; I. Hanssen; M.H. Hem 2022 How may cultural and political ideals cause moral distress in acute psychiatry? A qualitative study
N. Kunøe; H.Martin Nussle; A.M. Indregard 2022 Protocol for the Lovisenberg Open Acute Door Study (LOADS): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial to compare safety and coercion between open-door policy and usual-care services in acute psychiatric inpatients
J. Varpula; ; J. Pulkkinen; T. Lantta 2022 Patient Falls in Seclusion Rooms in Psychiatric Inpatient Care: A Sociotechnical Probabilistic Risk Modeling Study
J. Dahlberg; S. Øverstad; V. Dahl; A. Coman 2021 Autonomy and consent assessment for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). A retrospective study of medical records
O. Nyttingnes; J. Rugkåsa 2021 The Introduction of Medication-Free Mental Health Services in Norway: An Analysis of the Framing and Impact of Arguments From Different Standpoints
T. Hofstad; J. Rugkåsa; S.O. Ose; O. Nyttingnes; T.L. Husum 2021 Measuring the level of compulsory hospitalisation in mental health care: The performance of different measures across areas and over time
A. Lillelien; J. Strand; I.Hilde Vik; T.Wallin Haugen; J. Hammer 2021 Basal eksponeringsterapi hjelper pasienter med alvorlige psykiske lidelser
T. Hofstad; J. Rugkåsa; S.O. Ose; O. Nyttingnes; S.Helene Hø Kjus; T.L. Husum 2021 Service Characteristics and Geographical Variation in Compulsory Hospitalisation: An exploratory random effects within-between analysis of Norwegian municipalities 2015-2018
T. Ruud; E.Woldsengen Haugom; H.Alan Pincus; T. Hynnekleiv 2021 Measuring Seclusion in Psychiatric Intensive Care: Development and Measurement Properties of the Clinical Seclusion Checklist
U.E. Hammervold; R. Norvoll; H. Sagvaag 2021 Post-incident reviews after restraints—Potential and pitfalls. Patients’ experiences and considerations
R. Førde; I.S. Hovland; A. Syse; O. Dunlop 2020 Paradokser og ulikheter i norsk helsevesen
I. Wormdahl; T.Lossius Husum; J. Rugkåsa; M.B. Rise 2020 Professionals' perspectives on factors within primary mental health services that can affect pathways to involuntary psychiatric admissions
K.K. Fjukstad 2020 Medbestemmelse ved alvorlig psykisk sykdom
M.T.D.S. Øvregard; A.K. Lie 2020 Kriterier for tvangsinnleggelse – endringer fra 1848 til i dag
D.E. Allen; S.J. Fetzer; K.S. Cummings 2020 Decreasing Duration of Mechanical Restraint Episodes by Increasing Registered Nurse Assessment and Surveillance in an Acute Psychiatric Hospital
M. Løvsletten; T.L. Husum; A. Granerud; E. Haug 2020 Outpatient commitment in mental health services from a municipal view
M. Løvsletten; T.L. Husum; E. Haug; A. Granerud 2020 Cooperation in the mental health treatment of patients with outpatient commitment
U.E. Hammervold; R. Norvoll; K. Vevatne; H. Saagvaag 2020 Post-incident reviews-a gift to the Ward or just another procedure? Care providers' experiences and considerations regarding post-incident reviews after restraint in mental health services. A qualitative study
P.S. Mann-Poll; E.O. Noorthoorn; A. Smit; G.J.M. Hutschemaekers 2020 Three Pathways of Seclusion Reduction Programs to Sustainability: Ten Years Follow Up in Psychiatry
B.J.Steinert T; B.S.F.Bechdolf A; F.E.Cole C; J.J.Jaeger S; M. Kampmann; L. Mahler; R. Muche 2020 Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence (PreVCo) in psychiatry: a multicentre randomised controlled trial
H. Riley; E. Sharashova; J. Rugkåsa; O. Nyttingnes; T.B. Christensen; A.T.Andersen Austegard; M. Løvsletten; B. Lau; G. Høyer 2019 Out-patient commitment order use in Norway: incidence and prevalence rates, duration and use of mental health services from the Norwegian Outpatient Commitment Study
M. Prytz; K. Harkestad 2019 "It's not a life of war and conflict": experienced therapists' views on negotiating a therapeutic alliance in involuntary treatment
E.H. Martinsen; B.M. Weimand; R. Norvoll 2019 Does coercion matter? Supporting young next-of-kin in mental health care
M.Brekke Rabben; Ø. Thomassen 2019 Humane treatment versus means of control: coercive measures in Norwegian high-security psychiatry, 1895–1978
U.E. Hammervold; R. Norvoll; R.W. Aas; H. Sagvaag 2019 Post-incident review after restraint in mental health care -a potential for knowledge development, recovery promotion and restraint prevention. A scoping review.
A. Opsal; Ø. Kristensen; T. Clausen 2019 Readiness to change among involuntarily and voluntarily admitted patients with substance use disorders
O.Gjerløw Aasland; T.L. Husum; R. Førde; R. Pedersen 2018 Store forskjeller i holdninger til tvang blant fagfolk i psykiatrien
K.Kise Haugland; T. Røstbakken 2018 God fagutøvelse hindrer ikke overgrep
H.K. Stuen; A. Landheim; J. Rugkåsa; R. Wynn 2018 Responsibilities with conflicting priorities: a qualitative study of ACT providers' experiences with community treatment orders
R. Wynn 2018 Involuntary admission in Norwegian adult psychiatric hospitals: a systematic review
H.K. Stuen; A. Landheim; J. Rugkåsa; R. Wynn 2018 How clinicians make decisions about CTOs in ACT: a qualitative study
A. Syse 2018 Store endringer i psykisk helsevernloven
T.L. Husum; M.H. Hem; R. Pedersen 2018 En studie av synet på etiske utfordringer relatert til arbeid med bruk av tvang hos ansatte i psykiske helsetjenester
J. Rugkåsa; O. Nyttingnes; T.Breines Simonsen; J.Šaltytė Benth; B. Lau; H. Riley; M. Løvsletteng; T.B. Christensen; A.T.Andersen Austegard; G. Høyer 2018 The use of outpatient commitment in Norway: Who are the patients and what does it involve?
T.L. Husum 2018 "A plea for recognition" Users' experience of humiliation during mental health care
P. de Loof; H. Nijman; R. Didden; P. Embregts 2018 Burnout symptoms in forensic psychiatric nurses and their associations with personality, emotional intelligence and client aggression: A cross-sectional study
T. Berge; K.Sunniva Bjøntegård; P. Ekern; M. Furan; N.Inge Landrø; G.J.Sølvbe Larsen; K. Osnes; I. Selvaag; A.Helene Vedlog 2018 Coercive mental health care – dilemmas in the decision-making process
L.H. Myklebust; K. Sørgaard; R. Wynn 2017 How mental health service systems are organized may affect the rate of acute admissions to specialized care: Report from a natural experiment involving 5338 admissions
K. Røtvold; R. Wynn 2017 How involuntary admission might have been avoided: An interview study of referring general practitioners
I. Joa; K. Hustoft; L.G. Anda; K. Brønnick; O. Nielssen; J.O. Johannessen; J.H. Langeveld 2017 Public attitudes towards involuntary admission and treatment by mental health services in Norway
R. Norvoll; M.H. Hem; R. Pedersen 2017 The Role of Ethics in Reducing and Improving the Quality of Coercion in Mental Health Care
K. Hustoft; T.K. Larsen; K. Brønnick; I. Joa; J.O. Johannessen; T. Ruud 2017 Voluntary or involuntary acute psychiatric hospitalization in Norway: A 24 h follow up study
S.Klæbo Reitan; A.S. Helvik; V. Iversen 2017 Use of mechanical and pharmacological restraint over an eight-year period and its relation to clinical factors
E.H. Martinsen; B.M. Weimand; R. Pedersen; R. Norvoll 2017 The silent world of young next of kin in mental healthcare
B. Molewijk; A. Kok; T. Husum; R. Pedersen; O. Aasland 2017 Staff’s normative attitudes towards coercion: the role of moral doubt and professional context—a cross-sectional survey study
A.R. Pasareanu; J.K. Vederhus; A. Opsal; Ø. Kristensen; T. Clausen 2017 Mental distress following inpatient substance use treatment, modified by substance use; comparing voluntary and compulsory admissions
M.K. Brun; T.L. Husum; R. Pedersen 2017 Tvangsmedisinering i psykisk helsevern – en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang
R. Norvoll; R. Pedersen 2016 Exploring the views of people with mental health problems' on the concept of coercion: Towards a broader socio-ethical perspective
T.B. Terkelsen; I.B. Larsen 2016 Fear, danger and aggression in a Norwegian locked psychiatric ward: Dialogue and ethics of care as contributions to combating difficult situations
E. Ness; O. Steen; J.G. Reichelt; F.A. Walby 2016 Reduksjon av tvangsinnleggelser fra legevakt
M.H. Hem; E. Gjerberg; T.L. Husum; R. Pedersen 2016 Ethical challenges when using coercion in mental healthcare: A systematic literature review
B. Molewijk; I.S. Engerdahl; R. Pedersen 2016 Two years of moral case deliberations on the use of coercion in mental health care: Which ethical challenges are being discussed by health care professionals?
K. Drivenes; S. Bergan; O. Sæther 2016 Drug therapy among patients subject to outpatient compulsory mental health care
F. Weidema; H. Dartel; B. Molewijk 2016 Working towards implementing moral case deliberation in mental healthcare: Ongoing dialogue and shared ownership as strategy
I. Syse; R. Førde; R. Pedersen 2016 Clinical ethics committees – also for mental health care? The Norwegian experience
I.S. Engerdahl; A. Moljewijk; R. Pedersen 2016 Etiske utfordringer ved bruk av tvang i psykisk helsevern: når lovverk møter praksis
R. Førde; R. Norvoll; M.H. Hem; R. Pedersen 2016 Next of kin’s experiences of involvement during involuntary hospitalization and coercion
M. Veland; A. Jacob 2016 Bruker mindre tvang
A. Opsal; Ø. Kristensen; J.K. Vederhus; T. Clausen 2016 Perceived coercion to enter treatment among involuntarily and voluntarily admitted patients with substance use disorders
B. Stensrud; G. Hoyer; G. Beston; A. Granerud; A.S. Landheim 2016 "Care or control?": a qualitative study of staff experiences with outpatient commitment orders
N.L.D. Fuglseth; R. Gjestad; L.Solrunn Mellesdal; S. Hunskaar; K.Joachim Ødegaard; I.Hjulstad Johansen 2016 Factors associated with disallowance of compulsory mental healthcare referrals
M. Løvsletten; E. Haug; A. Granerud; K. Nordby 2016 Prevalence and management of patients with outpatient commitment in the mental health services
K. Lund; P.Christian Gøtzsche 2016 Tvangsmedisinering må forbys
J. Hammer; R. Fosse; Å. Lyngstad; P. Møller; D. Heggdal 2016 Effekten av komplementær ytre regulering (KYR) på tvangstiltak
A.R. Pasareanu; J.K. Vederhus; A. Opsal; Ø. Kristensen; T. Clausen 2016 Improved drug-use patterns at 6 months post-discharge from inpatient substance use disorder treatment: results from compulsorily and voluntarily admitted patients
B. Bø; Ø.H. Ottesen; R. Gjestad; H.A. Jørgensen; R.A. Kroken; E.M. Løberg; E. Johnsen 2016 Patient satisfaction after acute admission for psychosis
K. Røtvold; R. Wynn 2016 Involuntary psychiatric admission: how the patients are detected and the general practitioners’ expectations for hospitalization. An interview-based study
H. Clausen; T. Ruud; S. Odden; J.Š. Benth; K.Sverdvik Heiervang; H.Kilen Stuen; H. Killaspy; R.E. Drake; A. Landheim 2016 Hospitalisation of severely mentally ill patients with and without problematic substance use before and during Assertive Community Treatment: an observational cohort study
K. Røtvold; R. Wynn 2015 Involuntary psychiatric admission: Characteristics of the referring doctors and the doctors’ experiences of being pressured
M.F. Svindseth 2015 Opplevd krenkelse i innleggelsessituasjonen til akuttpsykiatrisk avdeling og assosiasjoner til negative hendelser samt kjønnsforskjeller (norsk utgave)
E. Valenti; C. Banks; A. Calcedo-Barba; C. Bensimon; K.M. Hoffmann; V. Pelto-Piri; T. Jurin; O. Mendoza; A. Mundt; J. Rugkåsa; J. Tubini; S. Priebe 2015 Informal coercion in psychiatry: a focus group study of attitudes and experiences of mental health professionals in ten countries
A.R. Pasereanu; A. Opsal; J.K. Vederhus; Ø. Kristensen; T. Clausen 2015 Quality of life improved following in-patient substance use disorder treatment
B. Molewijk; M.H. Hem; R. Pedersen 2015 Dealing with ethical challenges: a focus group study with proessionals in mental health care
R. Norvoll; T. Ruud; T. Hynnekleiv 2015 Skjerming i akuttpsykiatrien
H.K. Stuen; J. Rugkåsa; A. Landheim; R. Wynn 2015 Increased influence and collaboration: a qualitative study of patients’ experiences of community treatment orders within an assertive community treatment setting
B. Stensrud; G. Hoyer; A. Granerud; A.S. Landheim 2015 'Responsible, but Still not a Real Treatment Partner': A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Relatives of Patients on Outpatient Commitment Orders
B. Stensrud; G. Høyer; A. Granerud; A. Landheim 2015 “Life on Hold”: A Qualitative Study of Patient Experiences with Outpatient Commitment in Two Norwegian Counties
K.T. Dahm; J. Odgaard-Jensen; T.L. Husum; K.A. Leiknes 2015 Interventions for reducing coercion in mental health for adults: A systematic review and the impact of updating
R. Wynn; K. Røtvold 2015 Involuntary psychiatric admission: The referring general practitioners’ assessment of patients’ dangerousness and need for psychiatric hospital treatment
R. Wynn 2015 The Use of Physical Restraint in Norwegian Adult Psychiatric Hospitals
M.H. Hem; R. Pedersen; R. Norvoll; B. Molewijk 2015 Evaluating clinical ethics support in mental healthcare: a systematic literature review
K. Rotvold; R. Wynn 2014 Involuntary psychiatric admission: Characteristics of the referring doctors and the doctors' experiences of being pressured
R. Kogstad; T.J. Ekeland; J.K. Hummelvoll 2014 The Knowledge Concealed in Users' Narratives, Valuing Clients' Experiences as Coherent Knowledge in Their Own Right
K. Tøgersen; E. Bjerke; K. Gjelstad; T. Ruud 2014 Psykiatriske tvangsinnleggelser i Østfold i 2000 og 2010
L. Myklebust; K. Sorgaard; R. Wynn 2014 Local psychiatric beds appear to decrease the use of involuntary admission: a case-registry study
E. Feiring; K.Nordal Ugstad 2014 Interpretations of legal criteria for involuntary psychiatric admission: a qualitative analysis
F. Skorpen; A.A. Thorsen; C. Forsberg; A.W. Rehnsfeldt 2014 Suffering related to dignity among patients at a psychiatric hospital
G.F. Lorem; J.S. Frafjord; M. Steffensen; C.E.A. wang 2014 Medication and participation: A qualitative study of patient experiences with antipsychotic drugs
R. Diseth; P. Høglend 2014 Compulsory mental health care in Norway: The treatment criterion
G.F. Lorem; M. Steffensen; J. Frafjord; C.E.A. wang 2014 Omsorg under tvang - En narrativ studie av pasienters fortellinger om tvang og psykisk helsevern
H. Riley; G. Høyer; G.F. Lorem 2014 ‘When coercion moves into your home’ – a qualitative study of patient experiences with outpatient commitment in Norway
T.B. Terkelsen; I.B. Larsen 2014 The locked psychiatric ward: Hotel or detention camp for people with dual diagnosis
G.F. Lorem; M.H. Hem; B. Molewijk 2014 Good coercion: Patients' moral evaluation of coercion in mental health care.
H. Stokmo; O. Ness; M. Bor; M. Sommer 2014 Helsearbeidernes erfaringer med hvordan krav om modelltrofasthet virker inn på brukermedvirkning i ACT-team
K. Sebergsen; A. Norberg; T. A.-G. 2014 Being in a process of transition to psychosis, as narrated by adults with psychotic illnesses acutely admitted to hospital
A. Furre; L. Sandvik; S. Heyerdahl; S. Friis; M. Knutzen; K. Hanssen-Bauer 2014 Characteristics of Adolescents Subjected to Restraint in Acute Psychiatric Units in Norway: A Case-Control Study
F. Skorpen; A.A. Thorsen; C. Forsberg; A.W. Rehnsfeldt 2014 Suffering related to dignity among patients at a psychiatric hospital
M.H. Hem; B. Molewijk; R. Pedersen 2014 Ethical challenges in connection with the use of coercion: a focus group study of health care personnel in mental health care
I.B. Larsen; T.B. Terkelsen 2013 Coercion in a locked psychiatric ward: Perspectives of patients and staff
G.F. Lorem; J.S. Frafjord; M. Steffensen; C.E.A. wang 2013 Medication and participation: A qualitative study of patient experiences with antipsychotic drugs
M. Knutzen; S. Bjørkly; G. Eidhammer; S. Lorentzen; N.H. Mjøsund; S. Opjordsmoen; L. Sandvik; S. Friis 2013 Characteristics of patients frequently subjected to pharmacological and mechanical restraint—A register study in three Norwegian acute psychiatric wards
M.F. Svindseth; J.A. Nøttestad; A.A. Dahl 2013 Perceived humiliation during admission to a psychiatric emergency service and its relation to socio-demography and psychopathology
K. Hustoft; T.K. Larsen; B. Auestad; I. Joa; J.O. Johanessen; T. Ruud 2013 Predictors of involuntary hospitalizations to acute psychiatry
J.O. Roaldset; P. Hartvig; S. Bjørkly 2013 Can lipid analysis help identify repeatedly violent patients after discharge from acute psychiatry?
K.W. Sørgaard; G. Rezvy; A. Bugdanov; T. Sørlie; T. Bratlid 2013 Treatment needs, diagnoses and use of services for acutely admitted psychiatric patients in northwest Russia and northern Norway
T. Nissen; P. Rørvik; L. Haugslett; R. Wynn 2013 Physical Restraint and Near Death of a Psychiatric Patient
A. Thorvik 2012 Noen ganger er det kanskje nødvendig. Om egenopplevelse av tvunget vern ved suicidalitet
L.H. Myklebust; K. Sørgaard; K. Røtvold; R. Wynn 2012 Factors of importance to involuntary admission
J. Norum; F.E. Bjerke; I. Nybrodahl; A. Olsen 2012 Admission and stay in psychiatric hospitals in northern Norway among Sami and a control group. A registry-based study
J. Norum; A. Olsen; I. Nybrodahl; K.W. Sørgaard 2012 Compulsory and voluntary admission in psychiatric hospitals in northern Norway 2009–2010. A national registry-based analysis
M. Knutzen; S. Bjørkly; G. Eidhammer; S. Lorentzen; N.H. Mjøsund; S. Opjordsmoen; L. Sandvik; S. Friis 2012 Mechanical and pharmacological restraints in acute psychiatric wards — Why and how are they used?
B. Jesper; H. Aggernæs 2012 Coercion within Danish psychiatry compared with 10 other European countries
T.B. Terkelsen; I.B. Larsen 2012 Tvangsmedisinering som permanent unntakstilstand. Erfaringer fra feltarbeid
I.Hjulstad Johansen; L.Solrunn Mellesdal; H.A. Jørgensen; S. Hunskaar 2012 Admissions to a Norwegian emergency psychiatric ward: patient characteristics and referring agents. A prospective study
G.H. Gabrielsen 2012 Tvang i psykisk helsevern - Paulsrudutvalgets forslag i et diskrimineringsperspektiv
Å.L. Mattson; P.E. Binder 2012 A qualitative exploration of how health care workers in an inpatient setting in Norway experience working with patients who self-injure
I.Hjulstad Johansen; T. Morken; S. Hunskaar 2012 How Norwegian casualty clinics handle contacts related to mental illness: A prospective observational study
R.R. Diseth; K.P. Bøgwald; P.A. Høglend 2011 Attitudes among stakeholders towards compulsory mental health care in Norway
R. Wynn; A.M. Kvalvik; T. Hynnekleiv 2011 Attitudes to coercion at two Norwegian psychiatric units
M. Knutzen; N.H. Mjosund; G. Eidhammer; S. Lorentzen; S. Opjordsmoen; L. Sandvik; S. Friis 2011 Characteristics of Psychiatric Inpatients Who Experienced Restraint and Those Who Did Not: A Case-Control Study
R.E. Kogstad; T.J. Ekeland; J.Kaare Hummelvoll 2011 In defence of a humanistic approach to mental health care: recovery processes investigated with the help of clients; narratives on turning points and processes of gradual change
O. Nyttingnes; T.L. Husum 2011 Omfang, utvikling og geografisk variasjon i bruk av tvang i psykisk helsevern i Norge.
V.Cabral Iversen; J.E. Berg; R. Småvik; A.Einar Vaaler 2011 Clinical differences between immigrants voluntarily and involuntarily admitted to acute psychiatric units: a 3‐year prospective study
A. Opsal; Ø. Kristensen; T. Ruud; T.K. Larsen; R.W. Grawe; T. Clausen 2011 Substance abuse in patients admitted voluntarily and involuntarily to acute psychiatric wards: a national cross-sectional study
R.R. Diseth; P.A. Høglend 2011 Potential legal protection problems in the use of compulsory commitment in mental health care in Norway
S. Opjordsmoen; S. Friis; I. Melle; U. Haahr; J.O. Johannessen; T.K. Larsen; J.Ivar Røssberg; B.Rishovd Rund; E. Simonsen; P. Vaglum; T.H. McGlashan 2010 A 2‐year follow‐up of involuntary admission’s influence upon adherence and outcome in first‐episode psychosis
T.L. Husum; J.H. Bjørngaard; A. Finset; T. Ruud 2010 Staff attitudes and thoughts about the use of coercion in psychiatric acute wards
J.Olav Roaldset; S. Bjørkly 2010 Patients' own statements of their future risk for violent and self-harm behaviour: A prospective inpatient and post-discharge follow-up study in an acute psychiatric unit
M.F. Svindseth; J.A. Nøttestad; A.A. Dahl 2010 A study of outcome in patients treated at a psychiatric emergency unit
T.L. Husum; J.H. Bjørngaard; A. Finset; T. Ruud 2010 A cross-sectional prospective study of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication in acute psychiatric wards: Patient, staff and ward characteristics.
K.I. Iversen; G. Høyer; H.C. Sexton 2009 Rates for civil commitment to psychiatric hospitals in Norway. Are registry data accurate?
T.L. Husum; H. Hjort 2009 Menneskerettigheter i psykisk helsevern (Human rights in mental health care).
R.A. Kroken; E. Johnsen; T. Ruud; T. Wentzel-Larsen; H.A. Jørgensen 2009 Treatment of schizophrenia with antipsychotics in Norwegian emergency wards, a cross-sectional national study
R.E. Kogstad 2009 Protecting mental health clients' dignity — The importance of legal control
H. Aasen 2009 Frivillighet, tvang og menneskeverd ved innleggelse i det psykiske helsevernet: Etiske og juridiske utfordringer
S. Heskestad; M. Tytlandsvik 2008 Brukerstyrte kriseinnleggelser ved alvorlig psykisk lidelse
T.L. Husum; A. Finset; T. Ruud 2008 The Staff Attitude to Coercion Scale(SACS): Reliability, validity and feasibility.
G. Høyer 2008 Involuntary hospitalization in contemporary mental health care. Some (still) unanswered questions.
K.L. Pedersen 2008 Pårørendes opplevelse av politiassistert tvangsinnleggelse i psykiatrisk institusjon
G. Morken; J.H. Widen; R.W. Grawe 2008 Non-adherence to antipsychotic medication, relapse and rehospitalisation in recent-onset schizophrenia
J. Dullum 2008 Rettsliggjøring og rettssikkerhet i psykiatrien
M.F. Svindseth; J.A. Nøttestad; J. Wallin; J.O. Roaldset; A.A. Dahl 2008 Narcissism in patients admitted to psychiatric acute wards: its relation to violence, suicidality and other psychopathology
M. Knutzen; L. Sandvik; E. Hauff; S. Opjordsmoen; S. Friis 2007 Association between patients’ gender, age and immigrant background and use of restraint—A 2-year retrospective study at a department of emergency psychiatry
L. Johnsen; H. Øysæd; K. Børnes; T.J. Moe; J. Haavik 2007 A systematic intervention to improve patient information routines and satisfaction in a psychiatric emergency unit
B. Hofmann 2007 Det moralske grunnlaget for å vurdere samtykkekompetanse
K. Horn; E.W. Martinsen 2007 Pasienttilfredshet etter opphold i psykiatrisk døgnpost
M.F. Svindseth; A.A. Dahl; T. Hatling 2007 Patients’ experience of humiliation in the admission process to acute psychiatric wards
R. Wynn 2007 Psychiatric inpatients' experiences with restraint
R. Wynn; L.H. Myklebust; T. Bratlid 2007 Psychologists and coercion: Decisions regarding involuntary psychiatric admission and treatment in a group of Norwegian psychologists
J.H. Bjørngaard; T. Ruud; A. Garratt; T. Hatling 2007 Patients' experiences and clinicians' ratings of the quality of outpatient teams in psychiatric care units in Norway.
R. Wynn; L.H. Myklebust; T. Bratlid 2007 Attitudes to coercion among health-care workers and the general public in Norway
K.I. Iversen; G. Høyer; H.C. Sexton 2007 Coercion and patients atisfaction on psychiatric acute wards
K.W. Sørgaard 2007 Satisfaction and coercion among voluntary, persuaded/pressured and committed patients in acute psychiatric treatment
T. Tørrissen 2007 Tvangsinnleggelser i en akuttpsykiatrisk post
R. Wynn; L.H. Myklebust 2006 Patients' Satisfaction and Self-Rated Improvement Following Coercive Interventions
A. Syse 2006 Det menneskerettslige vernet mot frihetsberøvelse og tvang i behandlingsøyemed innenfor psykiatrien
arne vaaler; G. Morken; J.Chr Fløvig; V.C. Iversen; O.M. Linaker 2006 Effects of a psychiatric intensive care unit in an acute psychiatric department
arne vaaler; G. Morken; J.Chr Fløvig; V.C. Iversen; O.M. Linaker 2006 Substance abuse and recovery in a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
S. Blesvik; R. Diseth; T.L. Husum; R. Kogstad; H.J. Orefellen; G.H. Thune 2006 Menneskerettigheter også for psykiatriske pasienter i Norge?
R. Wynn 2006 Coercion in psychiatric care: clinical, legal, and ethical controversies
L. Kjellin; G. Høyer; M. Engberg; R. Kaltiala-Heino; M. Sigurjónsdóttir 2006 Differences in perceived coercion at admission to psychiatric hospitals in the Nordic countries
T.S. Deraas; V. Hansen; A. Giæver; R. Olstad 2006 Acute psychiatric admissions from an out-of-hours Casualty Clinic; how do referring doctors and admitting specialists agree?
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K.W. Sørgaard 2004 Patients’ perception of coercion in acute psychiatric wards. An intervention study
V. Iversen; G. Morken 2004 Differences in acute psychiatric admissions between asylum seekers and refugees
K. Gjelstad; H. Løvdahl; T. Ruud; S. Friis 2003 Tvangsinnleggelser til psykiatrisk observasjon - blir de opphevet dagen etter?
R. Wynn 2003 Staff's attitudes to the use of restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital
T.B. Christensen; S. Onstad 2003 Tvangsbehandling med legemidler i en psykiatrisk akuttavdeling
R. Wynn 2003 Staff's Choice of Formal And Informal Coercive Interventions In Psychiatric Emergencies
J. Bremer 2003 Johan Bremer - ein uvanleg forskar i norsk psykiatri
A. Syse 2002 Tvang og tilsyn i private hjem
G. Høyer; L. Kjellin; M. Engberg; R. Kaltiala-Heino; T. Nilstun; M. Sigurjonsdottir; A. Syse 2002 Paternalism and autonomy: A presentation of a Nordic study on the use of coercion in the mental health care system
K.I. Iversen; G. Høyer; H. Sexton; O.K. Grønli 2002 Perceived coercion among patients admitted to acute wards in Norway
R. Wynn 2002 Medicate, restrain or seclude? Strategies for dealing with violent and threatening behaviour in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital
T. Hatling; T. Krogen; Pål Ulleberg 2002 Compulsory admissions to psychiatric hospitals in Norway-international comparisons and regional variations
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J.S. Holte 2001 "Som en livbøye i et opprørt hav…" Skjerming - teoretisk begrunnelse og praktisk gjennomføring.
A. Færden 2001 Rehabilitering av psykiatriske langtidspasienter
G. Høyer 2000 On the justification for civil commitment
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A. Syse; T. Nilstun 1997 Ulike regler - lik lovforståelse? Om tvangsregulering og verdikonflikter i nordisk psykiatri
R. Wynn 1996 Polar day and polar night: month of year and time of day and the use of physical and pharmacological restraint in a north Norwegian university psychiatric hospital
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