TittelImplementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study
PublikasjonstypeFagfellevurderte artikler
År for utgivelse2023
ForfattereHirsch, S, Baumgardt, J, Bechdolf, A, Buhling-Schindowski, F, Cole, C, Flammer, E, Mahler, L, Muche, R, Sauter, D, Vandamme, A, Steinert, T
JournalFrontiers in Psychiatry
NøkkelordCoercion, evidence based care, guidelines, implementation, mental heath, Psychiatry, Restraint, Seclusion

The PreVCo study examines whether a structured, operationalized implementation of guidelines to prevent coercion actually leads to fewer coercive measures on psychiatric wards. It is known from the literature that rates of coercive measures differ greatly between hospitals within a country. Studies on that topic also showed large Hawthorne effects. Therefore, it is important to collect valid baseline data for the comparison of similar wards and controlling for observer effects.
