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Sve, A.Mia 2020 Omfang og variasjon i tvungen behandling av spiseforstyrrelser i Norge, 2013-2017
Svendsen, E.J. 2018 Restraint during medical procedures in hospitalized children : an exploratory study
Svindseth, M.F.; Dahl, A.A.; Hatling, T. 2007 Patients’ experience of humiliation in the admission process to acute psychiatric wards
Svindseth, M.F.; Nøttestad, J.A.; Dahl, A.A. 2010 A study of outcome in patients treated at a psychiatric emergency unit
Svindseth, M.F.; Nøttestad, J.A.; Wallin, J.; Roaldset, J.O.; Dahl, A.A. 2008 Narcissism in patients admitted to psychiatric acute wards: its relation to violence, suicidality and other psychopathology
Svindseth, M.F. 2010 A Study of Humiliation, Narcissism and Treatment Outcome in Patients Admitted to Psychiatric Emergency Units
Sørgaard, K.W. 2004 Patients’ perception of coercion in acute psychiatric wards. An intervention study
Tande, M.L. 2012 Tvang som ressurs?
Terkelsen, T.B.; Larsen, I.B. 2012 Tvangsmedisinering som permanent unntakstilstand. Erfaringer fra feltarbeid
Terkelsen, T.B. 2010 Håndtering av engler og UFOer i psykiatrisk avdeling. En etnografisk studie av hvordan psykotiske uttrykk forstås og kontrolleres.
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Wynn, R.; Myklebust, L.H. 2006 Patients' Satisfaction and Self-Rated Improvement Following Coercive Interventions
Wynn, R. 2007 Psychiatric inpatients' experiences with restraint
Wynn, R. 2003 Staff's attitudes to the use of restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital
Wynn, R.; Kvalvik, A.M.; Hynnekleiv, T. 2011 Attitudes to coercion at two Norwegian psychiatric units
Wynn, R. 2004 Restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital