Forfattere År Tittel
Sve, A.Mia 2020 Omfang og variasjon i tvungen behandling av spiseforstyrrelser i Norge, 2013-2017
Svendsen, E.J. 2018 Restraint during medical procedures in hospitalized children : an exploratory study
Svindseth, M.F. 2010 A Study of Humiliation, Narcissism and Treatment Outcome in Patients Admitted to Psychiatric Emergency Units
Svindseth, M.F.; Dahl, A.A.; Hatling, T. 2007 Patients’ experience of humiliation in the admission process to acute psychiatric wards
Svindseth, M.F.; Nøttestad, J.A.; Dahl, A.A. 2010 A study of outcome in patients treated at a psychiatric emergency unit
Svindseth, M.F.; Nøttestad, J.A.; Wallin, J.; Roaldset, J.O.; Dahl, A.A. 2008 Narcissism in patients admitted to psychiatric acute wards: its relation to violence, suicidality and other psychopathology
Sørgaard, K.W. 2004 Patients’ perception of coercion in acute psychiatric wards. An intervention study
Tande, M.L. 2012 Tvang som ressurs?
Terkelsen, T.B.; Larsen, I.B. 2012 Tvangsmedisinering som permanent unntakstilstand. Erfaringer fra feltarbeid
Terkelsen, T.B. 2010 Håndtering av engler og UFOer i psykiatrisk avdeling. En etnografisk studie av hvordan psykotiske uttrykk forstås og kontrolleres.
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Wynn, R. 2003 Staff's attitudes to the use of restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital
Wynn, R.; Kvalvik, A.M.; Hynnekleiv, T. 2011 Attitudes to coercion at two Norwegian psychiatric units
Wynn, R. 2004 Restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital
Wynn, R.; Myklebust, L.H. 2006 Patients' Satisfaction and Self-Rated Improvement Following Coercive Interventions
Wynn, R. 2007 Psychiatric inpatients' experiences with restraint