Drivenes, K.; Bergan, S.; Sæther, O. |
2016 |
Drug therapy among patients subject to outpatient compulsory mental health care |
Hatling, T.; Bjørngaard, J.H.; Pedersen, P.B. |
2004 |
Tvungent psykisk helsevern uten døgnopphold i 2002 |
Helsedirektoratet, |
2006 |
Tiltaksplan for redusert og kvalitetssikret bruk av tvang |
Høyer, G.; Nyttingnes, O.; Rugkåsa, J.; Sharashova, E.; Simonsen, T.Breines; Høye, A.; Riley, H. |
2022 |
Impact of introducing capacity-based mental health legislation on the use of community treatment orders in Norway: case registry study |
Leinan, T.Benedicte; Wickstrøm, K.Iren; Bjørgen, D.; Småvik, G. |
2021 |
Tvang uten døgnopphold - "Tvang som rutine?" |
Løvsletten, M.; Husum, T.L.; Granerud, A.; Haug, E. |
2020 |
Outpatient commitment in mental health services from a municipal view |
Løvsletten, M.; Haug, E.; Granerud, A.; Nordby, K. |
2016 |
Prevalence and management of patients with outpatient commitment in the mental health services |
Løvsletten, M.; Husum, T.L.; Haug, E.; Granerud, A. |
2020 |
Cooperation in the mental health treatment of patients with outpatient commitment |
Løvsletten, M. |
2014 |
Tvang i eget hjem |
Løvsletten, M. |
2012 |
Bruk av tvungent vern uten døgnbehandling. En kvantitativ studie |
Pingvinen, |
2013 |
Tvang i hjemmet |
Riley, H.; Høyer, G.; Lorem, G.F. |
2014 |
‘When coercion moves into your home’ – a qualitative study of patient experiences with outpatient commitment in Norway |
Riley, H. |
2016 |
When coercion moves into your home. A study of outpatient commitment in Northern Norway |
Riley, H.; Sharashova, E.; Rugkåsa, J.; Nyttingnes, O.; Christensen, T.B.; Austegard, A.T.Andersen; Løvsletten, M.; Lau, B.; Høyer, G. |
2019 |
Out-patient commitment order use in Norway: incidence and prevalence rates, duration and use of mental health services from the Norwegian Outpatient Commitment Study |
Rugkåsa, J.; Nyttingnes, O.; Simonsen, T.Breines; Benth, J.Šaltytė; Lau, B.; Riley, H.; Løvsletteng, M.; Christensen, T.B.; Austegard, A.T.Andersen; Høyer, G. |
2018 |
The use of outpatient commitment in Norway: Who are the patients and what does it involve? |
Sem, I.Cecilie Ho; Hansen, O.Vestby |
2019 |
Tvungent psykisk helsevern - med hovedvekt på psykisk helsevernloven § 3-3 |
Stensrud, B.; Høyer, G.; Granerud, A.; Landheim, A. |
2015 |
“Life on Hold”: A Qualitative Study of Patient Experiences with Outpatient Commitment in Two Norwegian Counties |
Stensrud, B.; Hoyer, G.; Beston, G.; Granerud, A.; Landheim, A.S. |
2016 |
"Care or control?": a qualitative study of staff experiences with outpatient commitment orders |
Stensrud, B. |
2016 |
Experiences with outpatient commitment orders from the perspectives of patients, relatives and staff - A qualitative study |
Stuen, H.K.; Landheim, A.; Rugkåsa, J.; Wynn, R. |
2018 |
Responsibilities with conflicting priorities: a qualitative study of ACT providers' experiences with community treatment orders |