Eksporter 18 resultater:
Filtre: Forfatter is Reidar Pedersen [Slett Alle Filtre]
«"A plea for recognition" Users' experience of humiliation during mental health care», International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 2018.
, «Store forskjeller i holdninger til tvang blant fagfolk i psykiatrien», Tidsskrift for Den Norske Laegeforening, bd. 138, nr. 9, 2018.
, Etikk i psykiske helsetjenester. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk, 2017.
, , «The Role of Ethics in Reducing and Improving the Quality of Coercion in Mental Health Care», HEC Forum, bd. 29, nr. 1, s. 59-74, 2017.
, «The silent world of young next of kin in mental healthcare», Nursing Ethics, 2017.
, «Staff’s normative attitudes towards coercion: the role of moral doubt and professional context—a cross-sectional survey study», BMC Medical Ethics, bd. 18, s. 37, 2017.
, «Tvangsmedisinering i psykisk helsevern – en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang», Psykologtidsskriftet, bd. 54, s. side 186-195, 2017.
, «Clinical ethics committees – also for mental health care? The Norwegian experience», Clinical Ethics, bd. 11, 2016.
, «Ethical challenges when using coercion in mental healthcare: A systematic literature review», Nursing Ethics, 2016.
, «Etiske utfordringer ved bruk av tvang i psykisk helsevern: når lovverk møter praksis», Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforeningTidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, bd. 53, s. 102-110, 2016.
, «Exploring the views of people with mental health problems' on the concept of coercion: Towards a broader socio-ethical perspective», Social Science & Medicine, bd. 156, s. 204-211, 2016.
, «Next of kin’s experiences of involvement during involuntary hospitalization and coercion», BMC Medical EthicsBMC Medical Ethics, bd. 17, 2016.
, , «Dealing with ethical challenges: a focus group study with proessionals in mental health care», BMC Medical Ethics, bd. 16, nr. 4, 2015.
, «Evaluating clinical ethics support in mental healthcare: a systematic literature review», Nursing Ethics, bd. 22, nr. 4, s. 452-66, 2015.
, «Ethical challenges in connection with the use of coercion: a focus group study of health care personnel in mental health care», BMC Medical Ethics, bd. 15, nr. 82, 2014.