Rolf Wynn |
2003 |
Staff's attitudes to the use of restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital |
Wynn, Rolf |
2007 |
Attitudes to coercion among health-care workers and the general public in Norway |
Rolf Wynn |
2015 |
Involuntary psychiatric admission: The referring general practitioners’ assessment of patients’ dangerousness and need for psychiatric hospital treatment |
Rolf Wynn |
2015 |
The Use of Physical Restraint in Norwegian Adult Psychiatric Hospitals |
Rolf Wynn |
2004 |
Restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital |
Rolf Wynn |
2018 |
Involuntary admission in Norwegian adult psychiatric hospitals: a systematic review |
Rolf Wynn |
2007 |
Psychiatric inpatients' experiences with restraint |
Rolf Wynn |
2007 |
Psychologists and coercion: Decisions regarding involuntary psychiatric admission and treatment in a group of Norwegian psychologists |
Rolf Wynn |
2006 |
Coercion in psychiatric care: clinical, legal, and ethical controversies |
Vegard Jenset Øien |
2015 |
Tvang i norsk sikkerhetspsykiatri : en studie av Kriminalasylet i Trondheim 1895-1915 |
Bjørn Henning Østenstad |
2018 |
Selvbestemmelse og tvang i helse- og omsorgstjenesten |
Tine Mari Østnæs |
2011 |
Tvang i psykisk helsevern : en kritisk gjennomgang av tvangsbegrepet, forekomst og effekter av tvangsbruk |
Øvregard, MTDS |
2020 |
Kriterier for tvangsinnleggelse – endringer fra 1848 til i dag |
Kamilla Øyangen |
2021 |
Bruk av tvangsmidler i pyskisk helsevern |
Linda-Merethe Øye |
2010 |
Tvang eller ikke tvang, er ikke spørsmålet |
Christine Øye |
2013 |
Psykisk helsearbeid i et makt- og kontrollperspektiv |