Eksporter 5 resultater:
Filtre: Forfatter is Rugkåsa, Jorun [Slett Alle Filtre]
«Increased influence and collaboration: a qualitative study of patients’ experiences of community treatment orders within an assertive community treatment setting», BMC Health Services ResearchBMC Health Serv Res, bd. 15, s. 1-13, 2015.
, «Informal coercion in psychiatry: a focus group study of attitudes and experiences of mental health professionals in ten countries», The International Journal for Research in Social and Genetic Epidemiology and Mental Health Services, bd. 50, 2015.
, «Professionals' perspectives on factors within primary mental health services that can affect pathways to involuntary psychiatric admissions», Int J Ment Health Syst., bd. 14, nr. 1, 2020.
, «The Introduction of Medication-Free Mental Health Services in Norway: An Analysis of the Framing and Impact of Arguments From Different Standpoints», Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021.
, «Measuring the level of compulsory hospitalisation in mental health care: The performance of different measures across areas and over time», Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 2021.